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time for love中文是什么意思

用"time for love"造句"time for love"怎么读"time for love" in a sentence


  • 恋爱时间


  • Spring is a time of renewal and a time for love
  • Hey , dr . jones , no time for love
  • Christmas is a time for love and fun
  • In life , the right man to love hardly ever comes at the right time for loving
  • And all in war with time for love of me , as he takes from you , i engraft you now
  • A woman marries the first time for love , the second time for companionship , the third time for support , and the rest of the time just from habit
  • In a time for love , one of shaw s darlings of the screen , lily ho , gives a heart warming performance as chef - chi , in this " class distinction " love story that turns shakespeare s romeo and juliet upside - down . chef falls in love with the son of a rich man that her father chauffeurs for , making it impossible to openly reveal to the son who she or her father is . yet in cinderella fashion , all s well that ends well
用"time for love"造句  
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